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Weekly Update 1/18/25

Weekly Update 1/18/25
WRMS Staff

January 18, 2025 (Please download the Parent Square app to select your preferred language.)

Hello West Rocks!

We had a great week as we honored and learned about the life and work of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. On Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, students watched a video and discussed, learned quotes and applied his beliefs, and on Friday we had an extended homeroom for a lesson focusing on: Freedom, Justice, and Democracy. 

Students defined, gave examples, shared out, then applied these concepts to a part of Dr. King’s letter from Birmingham Jail, “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly.” The lesson was based on The King Center’s Theme for 2025 (image above).
Just a reminder that there is no school on Monday, January 20 is observance of MLK Jr. Day. We told students this is a day on, not a day off.

We are quickly approaching the midpoint of the year. Semester 1 (and Q2) ends on January 22. Please be sure to check PowerSchool regularly for grades and attendance information. If you have any questions, please contact your child’s teacher or counselor.

Like I shared last week, to provide an opportunity for our teachers to build stronger relationships with more students and to give a different perspective on a student’s day during semester 2, we will flip the order of the students’ core classes starting on January 23. Students’ current core 4 class will be in the morning and vice versa. The teacher will remain the same, just the order of classes during the day will change. Our schedule includes an extra 7 minutes for the first core period of the day for morning meeting, RULER vocabulary, and the mood meter. Stay tuned for more specific information from the SEL team. 

Looks like we have another weekend with snow! Stay warm!
Adam Reynolds
Principal, West Rocks Middle School

PS. Please continue to use our district calendar for upcoming early dismissals, days with no school, and vacations (


We are halfway through our Science IXL schoolwide competition this week! It will run through Friday, January 31. Each class per grade level will compete against one another. The science teachers have assigned students daily work in IXL and enter it as a weekly grade in PowerSchool. 
Be on the lookout for the leaderboard in a separate communication tomorrow morning! The leaders will get a prize on Tuesday! THE COMPETITION IS HEATING UP! 


Coach Voytek and the boys basketball team improved to 3-0 this week defeating Nathan Hale and Concord. Both games were at West Rocks. The team has done a great job of working together and playing great team basketball. All players are contributing and working hard to improve. The boys will face Ponus next Thursday @ Ponus as they look to remain unbeaten.

Coach Cammarota and the girls basketball team has started the season with a 1-2 record. This week, the team won their first game against Concord. The team has worked hard to improve over the first few weeks of the season. It has been a great effort by all!


Our Basketball Club will meet on Thursday, January 23 and Thursday, January 30 from 3-4pm. Any students that are interested in participating must submit a permission slip using the Google Form. 

Basketball Club Sign-up Form


The group had a great first trip to Mt. Southington on Tuesday night! Check out a few pictures! Just a reminder that the next trip is Tuesday, January 28. There is no trip on January 21.


We are thrilled to announce that the West Rocks NJHS Spirit Wear Store is officially live! 🎉

This is a wonderful opportunity for our NJHS members to showcase their pride and unity as we prepare for upcoming events and student ambassador opportunities within our West Rocks learning community. Let’s show our spirit by coming together in unison with our exclusive NJHS spirit wear!
🛍️ Key Details:

  • Deadline: The sale ends on January 30th at midnight, so be sure to place your orders before then!
  • Pricing: Prices will increase after the deadline, so act fast to secure your items at the best rate.

We truly hope that each family will take advantage of this opportunity to represent NJHS proudly. Reach out to Ms. Powell with any questions.
 Click here to shop the store and make your selections today!
 Thank you for your continued support in helping our NJHS scholars shine!


February 1, 2025 is the absolute last day you can place an ad for your 8th grader in the WRMS Yearbook. All ads must be completed and paid for by midnight. NO EXTENSIONS. NO EXCEPTIONS.

To place an ad go to
The yearbook is on sale for West Rocks Middle School. The yearbook staff is hard at work creating an amazing yearbook. Order TODAY to guarantee you’ll have a copy when it’s handed out.
(The last day to order personalization is January 31st.)                                                                                                                                                                                                 
To order go to:
Please direct all questions to our yearbook adviser Dr. Maria Fox (


Thank you to everyone that came out to the West Rocks Night at the Bridgeport Islanders! When the players came to West Rocks on Tuesday, students had a great time. Check out some of the pics! 

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Upcoming Dates

January 20 No school in observance of MLK Jr. Day
January 22 Last day of Q2 (S1); Grade 6 Dual Language Field Trip to the Discovery Museum
January 23 First day of Q3 (S2) – flip order of core classes
January 27 2-hour early dismissal for students (12:50pm)

Please utilize our calendar on our school website:

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